I feel like in times of stress it’s good to focus on things making me happy. It’s not always easy and sometimes it’s easier to focus on the bad or tough things in life. These things may seem silly or simple but they are easy things that are making me happy.
living so close to my parents
being outside in the cooler mornings
the first sip of a perfectly made iced coffee
the man who has helped to heal my heart
a new nail design
a good breakfast sandwich on a lightly toasted croissant
a full night of snuggles
trips to st. pete
long talks on the phone with my best girls
new plants
organizing and purging
having an organized pantry
watching Noah learn
cooking and baking
going for long drives to no where
every sunset I am blessed enough to see
worship music
blaring music and having dance parties
late night talks on the back porch
spending my time intentionally
that first hug after I pick Noah up from his dads
I find that focusing on these fun, somewhat silly things can really help my anxiety.
What is something making you happy?