Happy Monday lovelies!
First and foremost, thank you, thank you thank you for all the support on my blog that I received over the weekend! 577 visits in three days. Y'all I am shook and so grateful. Coming back into the blog world after being so one foot in, one foot out for the past two-ish years was a little scary. But I am so happy to be here and even happier that you are here!
Let's start our Monday off with a chit-chat (aka a ramble aka, a maunder)
This has been the most January-est June ever. This past week has been... a whirlwind. I am feeling hopeful though that this is the start of a real change for racial equality and justice. One of my friends the other day used a phrase which I loved. She said "the sheet has been torn, there is no going back now" and I totally agree. In passing I hear people having real conversations, seeing people standing up to others, and unfortunately cutting people who are still just not getting it. I am praying, hoping, and continuously fighting for a permanent change.
On that same topic, I am sending the biggest eye rolls to literally everyone who feels compelled to make a "formal announcement " that they are returning back to their "normal posts but still learning", the people that are saying social media is too much, too heavy, too overwhelming,needing a break, etc. If that isn't privilege, I don't know what is. On behalf of every Black soul on this planet, we would LOVE to take a day or a week off of hearing racial slurs, fearing for our lives, and fighting for what is right but...that isn't how this world works. For the record, I am not saying that I expect everyone to live, breathe, eat and sleep the movement. But I don't understand the reasoning behind the announcements and I also just think it makes sense, if you are still going to be learning and working on being an ally to just incorporate that content.
On the same topic but with less irritation, this week I will be kicking off a spotlight series on Black owned beauty brands. I received my first orders at the end of last week so I have been testing, trying and photographing all of the things to share with y'all.
I am so proud of my city y'all. Sarasota and Bradenton have shown up for the Black community. We have had protests everyday and everyday they have been peaceful. Our police department has even been backing several of them. It is refreshing and so exciting to see our city come together for our community. I am here for this so much.
Today marks the 20th day since I have changed my lifestyle. I plan to share more down the road but, my weight has always been something I have struggled with and I am finally getting to a place where I feel good about myself but also, actually healthy.
My dad's birthday was yesterday. If you know me, you know how close I am to him. It was honestly breaking me that there was a potential of us not celebrating together this year. Thankfully that was not the case and we spent yesterday together relaxing, enjoying yummy snacks, he was able to read and play with N and we topped it off with his favorite, banana cream pie. Such a bright, bright spot in my week. So thankful that it happened.
Well guys, here we are, at the beginning of a new week. Another week to continue learning, fighting, and making a change. I am hopeful to really seeing more steps in the right direction for equality. A challenge for you all this week is to support two Black owned businesses -whether it is a restaurant, shop, beauty brand, whatever. Spread these businesses around and get them noticed.
Have an amazing week and stay tuned for more posts in the next few days!
